KI_Park Das Ki Park-Logo zeigt europäische KI mit einem roten Kreis in der Mitte.

KI Park Members Townhall

24.01.2024 | KI Park is excited to announce a new offering we would like you to mark in your calendars for 2024: The KI Park Members Townhall. The KI Park Members Townhall meeting series welcomes the ambassadors of all +130 KI Park members - making it an essential gathering of the KI Park community. I

Volkswagen GPT

KI_Park Ein Bild einer europäischen KI-Innovationsökosystem-Werkstatt mit einem dunklen Flur, der mit blauen und violetten Lichtern beleuchtet ist.

The aim of the project is to integrate Large Language Models (LLM) into the manual system of the automotive industry. This will enable vehicle owners to access information and find solutions to problems with their vehicle in a simple and dialogue-based way. The vision is that drivers no longer have to rely on traditional manuals, but can interact with their vehicle's onboard system to get relevant information and instructions.


KI_Park Ein AI-Workshop-Poster für das European AI Network Discovery U.

05/19/23 | 10am - 12pm |
The Discover AI Workshop is a new AI Park workshop series that promotes awareness and understanding of the practical applications of AI. As a simple and low-threshold entry format, this 2-hour online workshop not only provides participants with the first theoretical basics of AI, but also shows practical perspectives for the application of AI in a business context. Real use cases from the AI Park ecosystem facilitate knowledge transfer and inspire SMEs and companies to innovate and create user-friendly AI application scenarios. The online workshop will be supported by our esteemed KI Park members Birds on Mars and PlanD, who will enrich the workshop with their experiences and use cases with the current state of AI technology and beyond.