
Quarterly Newsletter

Dear readers, In the dynamic environment of our industry, there is no sign of the much-cited summer slump - quite the opposite: artificial intelligence is one of the dominant topics these days. According to a current study based on the analysis of possible application scenarios as well as the assessments of over 100 experts, generative AI (GenAI) alone will lead to a massive increase in productivity and profits in numerous industries. The authors of the study assume that GenAI will generate up to 4.4 trillion dollars in additional value for the global economy annually. It is therefore more important than ever to secure a leading position for Germany and the EU in this important future market by 2030 - this has always been and will continue to be the declared goal for which the AI Park and its members are joining forces. With this 2nd edition of our quarterly newsletter of 2023, we would like to inform you about the latest progress on this path as well as the upcoming flagship projects - and keep you up to date on the exciting events in this eventful AI summer. Yours/e Sabina Jeschke Olly Salzmann Tanja Dreilich


Invitation to the Flagship Initiative "Implementing the AI and Data Strategy in Companies

The cross-industry peer exchange workshop initiated by Vitesco will take place shortly, addressing the implementation of AI and data strategy in companies, focusing on practical implementation topics - including target operating model, data and API integration, data governance as well as data quality.  

Executives and experts from IT and legal departments of our member companies are invited to share their experiences and best practices in implementing AI and data strategies in companies. Amulya Bondada amulya@kipark.de is at your disposal for any questions or suggestions.
At the KI Park Corporate PeerExchanges, companies can exchange ideas and benefit from each other with their European colleagues from the same or other sectors within a protected space and in compliance with competition law. Past events in the series, such as the Corporate Peer Exchange "Impact of the EU AI Act in companies", have already proven to be very successful.

KI_Park Eine Gruppe von Menschen, die auf Stühlen auf einer KI-Netzwerk-Konferenz sitzen und in das KI-Flaggschiff-Innovationsökosystem eintauchen.

Invitation to the AI Park Meet-up with Google and Pacemaker

On 25 July, the KI Park in cooperation with Pacemaker and Google Cloud a meet-up on the topic at Google's own event location: "Innovative approaches in AI: From LLMs over Federated Learning to Slime Mold Algorithms." The event will discuss the challenges and opportunities of operationalising LLMs and present a framework for building scalable and accountable LLM systems using tools such as Langchain and Vertex AI. For more information on the event and to register, click here:

KI_Park Erkunden Sie ein Innovationsökosystem durch einen praktischen KI-Workshop mit Schwerpunkt Künstliche Intelligenz.


KI Park Summer Party - a complete success 

Several hundred partners, members and guests of KI Park e. V. experienced a day full of AI content, networking and inspiring AI companies during the KI Park Summer Event on 11 May in Berlin's Marienpark. The event was one of the highlights of the German AI Month mAI, which offered AI experts as well as a broader public a diverse range of events. At the summer party, numerous guests took the opportunity to get to know the Berlin AI ecosystem, to be inspired by concrete AI case studies and to exchange ideas with AI experts and decision-makers from the business world.

After various AI programme highlights throughout the day and the selection of the winner of the Digital Trust Challenge by a jury of experts, Prof. Dr. Sabina Jeschke and Dr. Tina Klüwer spoke to experts, members and guests of the AI Park network. Prof. Jeschke inspired the audience with her lecture "Quo vadis AI" and her 10 theses on artificial intelligence, while Dr. Klüwer gave well-founded insights into the topic of "AI and consciousness".

KI_Park Eine Menschenmenge, die in einem Raum sitzt, Teil des europäischen KI-Netzwerks, das ein Innovationsökosystem rund um künstliche Intelligenz und maschinelles Lernen fördert.

Winner of the Digital Trust Challenge: Factiverse strengthens trust in the digital world

Exciting news from the finals of the Digital Trust Challenge at our AI Park Summer Festival: Factiverse AS emerged as the winning team with its outstanding solution for detecting misinformation and checking the credibility of texts. Factiverse AS' innovative approach, based on years of research, uses machine learning and NLP technologies to accelerate deep research and automate fact-checking for media, education and content. In doing so, the company aims to uncover information breakdowns and restore trust in the digital world.

You can find more information at www.factiverse.no/where you can also try out the Factiverse solution right away.

The AI Park is pleased to welcome Factiverse AS to our ecosystem as the winner of the Challenge.

KI_Park Ein Mann überreicht einer Frau auf der Bühne der KI-Netzwerk-Veranstaltung einen Preis.

Vitesco: AI-powered search engine for businesses

Under the leadership of Florian Schütz and Amulya Bondada from KI Park e. V., executives and experts from Vitesco Technologies met on 22 May for an official onboarding workshop in the KI Park Space, where, among other things, numerous keynote speeches from experts from our ecosystem on innovative technical topics such as NLP, vision, optimisation of use cases in ML, DL and reinforcement learning were lively discussed. 

In addition, the first flagship projects were initiated: In addition to the Corporate Peer Exchanges already mentioned at the beginning on the topic of "Implementing the AI and and Data Strategy in Companies", it was decided to build an AI-supported, easily accessible search engine across departments to consolidate different types of data for companies (ML). In addition, the currently most important AI topics and projects were prioritised - these include multidimensional optimisation with AI metamodels, increasing the efficiency of the (LLM) IT support assistant, AI in the testing area for creating and automating test cases, NLP-based automation of AI trend analysis, and printed circuit board-based topics.  

KI_Park Ein Bild eines Laptops mit bunten Lichtern von AI Flagship darauf.

Cloudera platform invites testing

Under the leadership of Florian Schütz and Amulya Bondada from KI Park e. V., executives and experts from Vitesco Technologies met on 22 May for an official onboarding workshop in the KI Park Space, where, among other things, numerous keynote speeches from experts from our ecosystem on innovative technical topics such as NLP, vision, optimisation of use cases in ML, DL and reinforcement learning were lively discussed. 

In addition, the first flagship projects were initiated: In addition to the Corporate Peer Exchanges already mentioned at the beginning on the topic of "Implementing the AI and and Data Strategy in Companies", it was decided to build an AI-supported, easily accessible search engine across departments to consolidate different types of data for companies (ML). In addition, the currently most important AI topics and projects were prioritised - these include multidimensional optimisation with AI metamodels, increasing the efficiency of the (LLM) IT support assistant, AI in the testing area for creating and automating test cases, NLP-based automation of AI trend analysis, and printed circuit board-based topics.  

KI_Park Eine Gruppe von Menschen, die auf einer Konferenz sitzen und gemeinsam in ein Notizbuch schreiben, diskutieren und sich über das Innovationsökosystem und das KI-Netzwerk im Bereich Künst austauschen

Informatica: "Marketplace" service and data integration tool

Projects already defined at the Informatica Onboarding Workshop, which took place on 31 March, include using the company's solutions to create powerful data-driven applications and use cases with other members in the AI Park - including Informatica's "Marketplace" service and freemium data integration tool. Informatica has already participated in Schaeffler's Flagship Corporate Peer Exchanges "Impact of the EU AI Act in Enterprises" and will also be present at the "Implementing AI and Data Strategy" events initiated by Vitesco.

KI_Park Ein Bild eines Laptops mit bunten Lichtern darauf, das das europäische KI-Innovationsökosystem zeigt.

Flagship Corporates Peer Exchanges "Impact of the EU AI Act on Corporates"

Under the moderation of Amulya Bondada from KI Park e. V., seven European companies met on 31 May for a workshop within the framework of the flagship initiative "Impact of the EU AI Act on Companies" to exchange important insights and best practices from both a legal and technical perspective. Executives and experts from the legal and technical departments of Schaeffler, as initiator of the format, as well as the Volkswagen Group, Mercedes-Benz AG, Airbus, Vitesco Technologies, Bosch and Informatica discussed in particular the risks and challenges large companies face when it comes to implementing and adapting their management and processes in line with the EU AI Act regulations.

KI_Park Eine Reihe schwarzer Stühle in einem Auditorium, das für das europäische KI-Innovationsökosystem und künstliche Intelligenz konzipiert ist.

AI in the public sector

During the event "Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good: Potentials for Administration and Science" on 15 June, jointly organised by KI Park and Deloitte, participants were given an insight into the possibilities of using AI to drive social progress. The invitation was extended by Dr. h.c. Frank Weise, former Chairman of the Board of the Federal Employment Agency and Senior Advisor at Deloitte, and Klaus Vitt, former State Secretary and member of the Advisory Board of KI Park e.V.. 

During the event, the digitalisation potentials in the public sector were analysed, especially with regard to AI use cases and deployment scenarios. KI Park e.V. was presented as a strong implementation partner for data-driven AI applications that can support the successful implementation of these use cases in the public sector.

KI_Park Ein Tisch mit Weingläsern in einem Restaurant, der ein Innovationsökosystem-KI-Netzwerk der Künstlichen Intelligenz präsentiert.

Flagship Project ESG Platform 

In a consortium consisting of AI Park members Deloitte, Schaeffler, Yukka Lab and Snowflake, the project team has developed a functional prototype with the aim of identifying alternative actions to reduce Scope 3 emissions in the value chain. The solution is based on Yukka Lab's language processing engine, which was developed in collaboration with industry insiders and takes into account large amounts of text data and applies semantic analysis. During a week-long AI Park workshop, the project team focused on developing an industry solution for procurement in the automotive sector. The participants had the opportunity to get to know and experience key components of the current solution and to influence the further development with their expertise. During the workshop, the team worked on the ESG 360 solution and the use cases - and finally developed a sustainable business model for the tool and discussed cross-organisational application possibilities.

KI_Park Ein AI-Flaggschiff-Laptop leuchtet im Dunkeln.

Job exchange


Are you fascinated by progress? The future of artificial intelligence awakens your passion? Then you've come to the right place! At KI Park e.V., we are at the forefront of shaping the digital revolution. We connect pioneers, drive innovation and put AI technologies into practice. With us, you work at the intersection of technology and society to make a real impact. Become part of our mission to bring Europe to the forefront of key AI technologies. Your chance to actively shape the future starts here.

Current vacancies of our members

Members of the association have the opportunity to advertise vacancies via KI Park and can thus use its reach to fill positions. The KI Park publishes the job advertisements via Linkedin, the newsletter and our in-house Slack channel. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to target your vacant positions to qualified candidates.  



We live an active, vibrant ecosystem and support our members in the best possible way. In this section, we present news from our AI Park ecosystem. All our members are invited to share their successes, events and new products with us and the community. Simply fill out our form here off.

Quantum Insider Articles

Shai Machnes (CEO & Co-founder of Qruise) shared an exciting article with us in Quantum Insider. "Opinion: Machine Learning is a Necessary Tool to Make Quantum Computers Scale - Quantum computing has been hailed as the next big thing in computing, with the potential to revolutionize many fields, including cryptography, drug discovery, and optimization problems."

KI_Park Ein AI-Flaggschiff-Laptop leuchtet im Dunkeln.

Quantum Insider Articles

Shai Machnes (CEO & Co-founder of Qruise) shared an exciting article with us in Quantum Insider. "Opinion: Machine Learning is a Necessary Tool to Make Quantum Computers Scale - Quantum computing has been hailed as the next big thing in computing, with the potential to revolutionize many fields, including cryptography, drug discovery, and optimization problems."

DPV Analytics takes second place in the Electrifying Ideas Awards

"Doing is like wanting - only much more blatant". With this sentence, ZVEI President Dr Gunther Kegel opened the Electrifying Ideas Award Gala on 23 May 2023. We congratulate dpv-analytics GmbH to the 2nd place! Here it goes to the  LinkedIn Post. With the solution "ritmo", our member offers a digital heart screening with which doctors and patients can easily perform a long-term ECG at home. Recorded data is analysed using machine learning. In a constantly ageing society, this can contribute to modern health care and prevention. For more information on dpv-analytics GmbH and its solution myRitmo please click on the links. A great action - the Heart Metal Challenge. You can find all the information here.

KI_Park Heart-Metal-Challenge – Teil von einer Million KI-Flaggschiff-Herzschlägen.

Next Gen HP Workstations for Data Science and AI with Versatile Use Cases

HP is introducing - Next Gen Z4, Z6, Z8, and the All New Z8 Fury Workstation Desktops configured for Data Science and AI workflows. Apart from data work they can be used for other use cases like rendering, even when falling out of an airplane, as you can see in this video

KI_Park Ein Laptop mit Fähigkeiten zur Künstlichen Intelligenz leuchtet im Dunkeln.

Tech Talks

Next Gen HP Workstations for Data Science and AI with Versatile Use Cases

HP is introducing - Next Gen Z4, Z6, Z8, and the All New Z8 Fury Workstation Desktops configured for Data Science and AI workflows. Apart from data work they can be used for other use cases like rendering, even when falling out of an airplane, as you can see in this video

KI_Park Eine Nahaufnahme eines Mikrofons vor einem unscharfen Hintergrund bei einem KI-Workshop.

Recordings Tech Talks

HP is introducing - Next Gen Z4, Z6, Z8, and the All New Z8 Fury Workstation Desktops configured for Data Science and AI workflows. Apart from data work they can be used for other use cases like rendering, even when falling out of an airplane, as you can see in this video

AI Park Tech Talk: Transforming industrial processes with synthetic data
AI Park TechTalk-AI discovers cause for scrap in complex variant production
KI_Park Eine Nahaufnahme eines Mikrofons vor einem unscharfen Hintergrund bei einem KI-Workshop.

The KI Park is growing - New members


KI_Park Eine Frau steht während eines KI-Workshops vor einer gelben Backsteinmauer.


Manager Innovation & Partnership

KI_Park Eine Frau mit langen blonden Haaren lächelt vor einer Backsteinmauer in einer KI-Flaggschiff-Umgebung.


Manager Venture Development

KI_Park Ein KI-Flaggschiff beleuchtet mit seiner Präsenz das Innovationsökosystem, ähnlich einer Glühbirne an einer Wand.


Manager Venture Development