Impulse: AI hotspot Berlin?

Berlin as an AI Hotspot: What's Next? 

🗓️ November 4th
📍 VBKI - Berlin

On November 4th, ⭕️KI Park is partnering with Association of Berlin Merchants and Industrialists (VBKI) at their IMPULS event to assess Berlin's current position as an AI hub. With its strong startup culture, international talent pool, and academic excellence, Berlin has the right ingredients to be a leader in AI. But are we making the most of these advantages? 🧐

Our Managing Director, Dr Florian Schütz, will be on a panel with Dr. Jack Thoms (BIFOLD - Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data), Prof. Dr. Marc Drüner (eduBITES), Joachim Spitzley (Bito AG), and Annette Countess von Wedel ( e.V.), discussing AI opportunities and challenges for Berlin-based businesses. They will discuss how companies can work together within AI ecosystems to successfully integrate AI into real-world applications 🦾

Join us for an insightful discussion on the current state of AI in Berlin and the practical steps businesses can take to move forward! 🤩