Mensch-Organisation-Technik: ein BVG-Erfahrungsbericht zur KI

Webinar: Human-Organization-Technology: A BVG Case Study on AI

Webinar by VBKI in collaboration with the Digitalagentur Berlin

14 January, 8:15 am – 9 am, online

Event language: German

Who should join: This webinar is ideal for professionals in AI, public transport, digital transformation, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology and public services.

Why join?

  • Gain practical insights into how the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) is implementing AI;
  • Discover the challenges and opportunities of digitalization and AI integration;
  • Explore expert perspectives on the future of public transportation in Berlin.


  • Johanna Viktor, Innovation Manager IT, BVG: She is driving the transition to a modern, AI-powered transport company through AI frameworks and pilot projects and shares her expertise in AI boot camps.
  • Lisa Brandl, Corporate Development, BVG: She connects strategic questions with AI initiatives and works on projects shaping the future of BVG.


Register Here!