Study | AI-Driven Next Generation Compliance (with ComplAzer, WTS Legal, ADL, BDI, VDE, VCI, Siemens, DSHK, FAU)

KI_Park Eine Hand, die auf einem Computerbildschirm in einem KI-Ökosystem auf das Wort Compliance zeigt.
The compliance landscape is changing rapidly. Requirements, efforts and skills shortages are growing just as rapidly as the consequences of breaches of duty. It is crucial for Europe's economy to develop innovative, efficient and highly automated solutions. AI will make a key contribution to this.
The survey "AI-Driven Next Generation Compliance" is supported by important players in business and science. It is being conducted by KI Park e.V., WTS Legal and Arthur D. Little and the Federation of German Industries (BDI), in cooperation with the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE), the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), Siemens Industry Software GmbH and the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce (DSHK). The Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) is responsible for the scientific support. We would like to invite you to participate in our survey (Link: ). With this survey, we are creating the basis for a study on current developments and trends in the area of compliance and their impact on organisations. We will make the study available to all participants on request. The survey is available in German and English. Your participation is completely anonymous and all information will be kept strictly confidential. The survey can be completed in about 15 minutes.

We are very grateful for your valuable support in this important study on Next Generation Compliance. Together we can develop a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this area.


Astrid Schüle is your competent contact person for all questions and concerns regarding the study and other KI-Park initiatives. She will be happy to discuss individual solutions and provide comprehensive advice.

KI_Park Ein Bild einer Frau mit Brille vor gelbem Hintergrund, das ein innovatives Ökosystem im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz darstellt.


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