Satellites of the KI Park

AI Park Satellites

The satellites of KI Park e.V. are a central element of our expansion strategy at national and European level. Created in the AI metropolises of Germany and Europe, these satellites act as local centres of excellence. They promote the climate of innovation and at the same time serve as incubators for the development of a regional AI ecosystem. They deploy structures and personnel to initiate local flagship projects and practically implement AI technologies. These regional satellites are not only clusters of expertise in key areas of AI, but also points of attraction for companies and thought leaders. They provide a platform for the integration of local actors and initiatives and establish national and European networks with companies, start-ups, research institutions and policy makers.

European thinking with artificial intelligence.

KI_Park Beschreibung: Ein roter Ziegel-Wasserturm steht inmitten eines Feldes.
KI_Park Eine Luftaufnahme eines alten Gebäudes mit einem Wasserturm im Hintergrund, der das KI-Flaggschiff zeigt.
KI_Park Ein Büro mit Bücherregalen und einem Tisch, eingerichtet in der KI-Werkstatt.


The headquarters of KI Park e.V. is located in Marienpark in Berlin, a modern and dynamic hub for communication and collaboration. Located in the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district of Berlin, Marienpark Berlin comprises a spacious area of around 360,000 m² that serves as a business park. This innovative ecosystem is home to a diverse mix of companies and start-ups active in promising industries such as artificial intelligence and additive manufacturing. The sprawling premises of the former Mariendorf gas works not only offer sufficient space, but also the technological infrastructure required for application-oriented work and the development of innovations.

In addition, the Marienpark has several conference and event rooms that are regularly used for workshops, seminars and networking events. These rooms offer members of KI Park e.V. and other interest groups a platform for professional exchange and further education. In the immediate vicinity, there are also various gastronomic offerings and recreation zones that contribute to the work-life balance and promote creativity.

The strategic location of the Marienpark in Berlin also provides excellent public transport connections and quick access to research institutions and political decision-making centres. This facilitates cooperation at regional, national and international level and positions KI Park e.V. as a central hub in the network of AI development and research.


In Marienpark 22
12107 Berlin


In October 2022, KI Park e.V. opened a location on the southern campus of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). FAU, one of the twelve founding members of the AI Park, focuses its research on the areas of 5G to 6G in conjunction with AI as well as quantum computing with AI. FAU has been researching and teaching in the field of artificial intelligence since 1975 and therefore has a large network with over 70 chairs and professorships that deal with AI or use AI as a tool. In addition to basic research on AI, staff work in the four areas of medicine, manufacturing, embedded AI and holistic AI. In cooperation with the AI Park, the university offers a practice-oriented lecture series that addresses the interfaces of artificial intelligence and law. Under the direction of Prof. Sabina Jeschke, the first year of this lecture series was successfully completed.


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Schlossplatz 4
91054 Erlangen


KI_Park Ein großes Gebäude mit einer KI-Ökosystem-Statue davor.
KI_Park Die KI-Werkstatt, ein Gebäude inmitten eines blühenden KI-Ökosystems, wird von einer Vielzahl von Bäumen an der Vorderseite geschmückt.
KI_Park Ein Mann mit Brille lächelt vor einem Bücherregal in einem KI-Workshop.

Prof. Dr Norman Franchi

Director of the Centre for 5G to 6G Driven AI

KI_Park Eine Frau mit langen Haaren und Perlen steht vor einer Mauer im europäischen KI-Innovationsökosystem.

Prof. Dr Sabina Jeschke

Director of the Centre for Quantum Computing Driven AI

KI_Park Eine Frau mit blauem Schal und schwarzem Hemd im Bereich des KI-Ökosystems.

Eva Russwurm

Outreach Manager

KI_Park Eine Frau steht während eines KI-Workshops vor einer gelben Backsteinmauer.


Innovation & Partnership Manager

KI_Park Eine Luftaufnahme der Stadt Stockholm, Schweden, die ihre atemberaubende Stadtlandschaft zeigt.
KI_Park Zwei Personen in einem Büro posieren vor einem Werbeschild für Innovationsökosystem und Künstliche Intelligenz.

SATELLIT Stockholm

The first international satellite of KI Park e.V. was launched in Stockholm in cooperation with the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce. Sweden, as a hotspot for AI and digital technologies, plays a central role in the European AI ecosystem. The AI Park in Sweden offers a variety of activities and events, including workshops, networking events, tech talks and panel discussions. Community members have exclusive access to resources, expert knowledge and a broad network. The site serves as an active ecosystem where ideas thrive and innovations emerge to actively participate in shaping the future of AI in Sweden and Europe.


Valhallavägen 185
115 53 Stockholm


KI_Park Eine Frau mit langen Haaren und Perlen steht vor einer Backsteinmauer und demonstriert im European AI Netzwerk die Kraft der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI).


Chairperson of the Board

KI_Park Eine lächelnde Frau vor einer gelben Backsteinmauer während eines KI-Workshops.


Deputy Chairwoman of the Board

KI_Park Eine Frau in einem Business-Anzug steht in einem Büro im KI-Ökosystem.

Aino Weber

Head of Member Services DSHK

KI_Park Ein Mann im Anzug lächelt vor einer Ziegelwand in einem KI-Workshop.


Programme Director

SATELLIT Lingen (Ems)

Lingen (Ems) in the economically strong and medium-sized Emsland region is the third and most recent satellite location of our innovation ecosystem for artificial intelligence (AI). The satellite was created in cooperation with the city of Lingen, the Krone Group and Cornexion GmbH. The AI Park will be located at the city's new IT and innovation campus. Lingen is also on its way to becoming the largest hydrogen centre in Germany and could therefore become one of the most important energy locations in the country and thus also a potential pioneer for green AI energy. The satellite is managed by the Cornexion GmbH team from Lingen, who are responsible for the successful transfer of innovation to SMEs and have numerous contacts in the SME sector and the German innovation and start-up scene. The Krone Group, a large medium-sized company, was won as a founding member. The leading agricultural technology and commercial vehicle manufacturer based in Spelle is already using artificial intelligence in areas such as autonomous driving, automation and load space detection.


Cornexion GmbH
Fiskediek 7a
49809 Lingen (Ems)


Andreas Bernaczek

Bastian Papen

Sandra Prekel

KI_Park Eine lächelnde Frau vor einer gelben Backsteinmauer während eines KI-Workshops.


Deputy Chairwoman of the Board


KI Park e.V. has created a presence in the Metaverse, particularly on the Decentraland platform. A detailed, virtual image of the real office in Marienpark in Berlin promotes dialogue with the Europe-wide community. The virtual representation has been expanded to include a "Hall of Fame", which offers members the opportunity to present their business models and success stories. This serves as a source of information for interested start-ups and partners as well as an additional marketing channel. The KI Park office is open for virtual appointments in the Metaversum. With a predicted market potential of up to 5 trillion euros by 2030, the AI Park sees the Metaversum as an important platform for the future. Supported by Deloitte and using existing infrastructures, the AI Park intends to effectively implement the "Socialise" and "Reactive" aspects in the metaverse.


position=55 2C-140


KI_Park Eine Darstellung eines Wohnzimmers mit Bücherregalen, die eine KI-Flaggschiff-Innovation der Künstlichen Intelligenz zeigt.
KI_Park Ein Mann steht nachts vor einem europäischen Haus.
KI_Park Ein rotes Backsteingebäude mit einem Schild mit der Aufschrift „Ki Park“, das ein KI-Flaggschiff im Herzen eines Innovationsökosystems und KI-Netzwerks präsentiert.
KI_Park Ein Mann im Anzug lächelt vor einer gelben Backsteinwand und präsentiert ein Innovationsökosystem.


Innovation manager

KI_Park Eine Frau mit langen Haaren und Perlen steht vor einer Backsteinmauer und demonstriert im European AI Netzwerk die Kraft der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI).


Chairperson of the Board

KI_Park Vor einer Mauer steht ein Mann mit Brille, der Teil eines europäischen KI-Netzwerks ist.


Deputy Chairman of the Board

KI_Park Eine lächelnde Frau vor einer gelben Backsteinmauer während eines KI-Workshops.


Deputy Chairwoman of the Board

YOU are missing a satellite in your city?

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