KI_Park Das Ki Park-Logo zeigt europäische KI mit einem roten Kreis in der Mitte.

Workshops Driving AI themes

Current workshops & EXCHANGE FORMATS

The workshops and exchange formats of KI Park e.V. serve as catalysts for creative ideas and fruitful discussions in the field of artificial intelligence. They provide a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and promote the exchange of knowledge in the ecosystem.

Rise of AI Conference 2024

15.05.24 │ Since 2014, Veronika Westerheide from the KI Park Team and Fabian Westerheide from the KI Park Advisory Board have welcomed AI enthusiasts, tech...


Horizons of Applied AI

21.03.24 │ "Horizons of Applied AI" with H&M Group will open the discussion on the following questions: How does the process of applying AI in...