KI_Park Das Ki Park-Logo zeigt europäische KI mit einem roten Kreis in der Mitte.

Press & Media

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Interviews & media contributions about the KI Park

Podcast with Oliver Salzmann

How can Europe keep up in the global race for artificial intelligence? In this episode of the SeedBox podcasts we talk to Olly Salzmann, board member and Chief AI Officer of KI Park e.V., about the challenges and opportunities that artificial intelligence offers European companies.

How can European companies remain competitive despite an often wait-and-see attitude and what role do German AI ecosystems play in this? Olly Salzmann provides exclusive insights into the dynamics of fast innovation cycles and explains why a wait-and-see attitude can be dangerous for companies. Although there are many uncertainties, the current trends and positive developments show that Europe is on the right track.


Interview with Prof. Dr Sabina Jeschke

With the increasing use of generative AI, it is no longer possible to imagine discussions about Europe's competitiveness and innovative strength without this topic. The action plan presented by the German government underlines the relevance of AI innovations for the future of Germany and Europe as a business location. The German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce and KI Park Berlin are now establishing a satellite in Stockholm to promote cooperation.


Podcast with Dr Florian Schütz

Innovation is and always has been the solution to challenges such as the skills shortage or the application of technology. ☝️ But: 𝗜𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝗿 𝗻𝘂𝗿 𝗴𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗮𝗺 and across sectors. 👉 That is why we have established the event 𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗘𝗥𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗲𝗻. The event that brings science and business together. Learn more about TRANSFERleben, innovation drivers and artificial intelligence in the 🎧𝗣𝗼𝗱𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘁 with Prof. Dr. Nadine Chochoiek, Dr. Jonathan T. Mall and Dr. Florian Schütz.


Interview with Dr Florian Schütz

Dr Florian Schütz talks to Kerstin Lahser about transfer ecosystems as a catalyst for the innovative power of artificial intelligence. The pilot issue of Transfer & Innovation magazine is about how KI Park e.V. as an innovation ecosystem accelerates the transfer of AI technologies.


Interview with Oliver Salzmann

New approaches are needed to develop new AI applications, explain Olly Salzmann and Marc Beierschoder. We want to contribute to making Germany and the EU a global leader in innovation by 2030. innovation location for Kl by 2030."


Interview with Olly Salzmann and Rupprecht Rittweger

"The trained handling of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important". Artificial intelligence and machine learning are not only important topics in the USA and the international tech scene right now: Applications based on machine learning are also more in demand than ever in Germany and Europe. To work together on projects in this area, Olly Salzmann and Rupprecht Rittweger founded the network KI Park Deutschland. We spoke with the two about their network, the right tools for machine learning and applications in which AI plays a weighty role.


Interview with Dr Florian Schütz

"We want to become the leading ecosystem that connects the best initiatives in Germany and Europe." But the fundamental question for identifying the success factors of an ecosystem is: Why should we work in an ecosystem at all? You can also develop technologies on your own as a research institution, start-up or company. But we have to differentiate here: If it's not "just" about the next fastest chip, but, for example, about the healthcare of tomorrow, about trustworthy



Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. (VDE for short) is now promoting the KI Park in order to be better positioned in the future field of artificial intelligence. VDE will become a permanent member of the Board of Directors of KI Park e.V. and active cooperation and expansion of the AI network is planned. The objective is to promote concrete applications and to set regulatory frameworks.



Twelve partners from business, research and politics jointly found the AI Park in Berlin. It promotes applications in the field of artificial intelligence and develops ethical and regulatory frameworks in Germany and Europe. Sabina Jeschke is the chairwoman of the AI Park and Olly Salzmann is her deputy.



Sabina Jeschke, former member of the executive board of Deutsche Bahn, takes over as CEO of KI Park. She is considered a technology and digitalisation expert and the topics AI, Quantum Computing and Digital Transfomation. We extend a warm welcome to Sabina!


Interview with Oliver Salzmann

AI applications: This is how an initiative wants to bundle and use the potential of artificial intelligence. Our aim is to build an open ecosystem of equal partners and experts. Specifically, we want to bring AI into widespread use and make it usable for people. The task here - which, by the way, is a non-profit organisation - is to network key stakeholders for the topic.



Which AI solution is right for which company? The aim of the AI Park is to make artificial intelligence usable for Germany as an industrial nation and as a very process-oriented and production-heavy location and to bring it into application.



The AI Park Initiative aims to harness the potential of artificial intelligence. The aim is to promote the development and use of applied AI in Germany on the basis of European guidelines and values.



Many companies have recognised the benefits of artificial intelligence. But only a few know which AI solution suits them best and how they should proceed when establishing AI in the company. As an open ecosystem, the KI Park wants to shed light on this and promote AI in Germany and Europe.



Those interested in AI from industry, SMEs and the public sector can find a quick and up-to-date overview of AI applications from more than 700 German start-ups in the AI Park.



New era, proven leadership in the Executive Board and Board of Directors of KI Park e.V.

On its second anniversary, the KI Park e.V. looks back on a successful
foundation phase. During the meeting of the Board of Directors on 11.10.2023, the
Board of Directors of KI Park as well as the Presidium of the Board of Directors were newly elected. These elections
mark the beginning of the second term of office of the association's bodies and bring both proven
continuity as well as new impulses in the management team.

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Several hundred partners, members and guests of KI Park e. V. experienced a day full of AI content, networking and inspiring AI companies during the KI Park Summer Event on 11 May at the trendy Brewdog Dogtap brewery in Berlin's Marienpark. The event was one of the highlights of the German AI Month mAI, which offers a diverse range of events until 28 May for AI experts and the general public to get to know the diverse German AI ecosystem.

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AI Month mAI 2023

Berlin, 09 January 2023 - The first "German AI Month mAI" will take place from 1 to 31 May 2023. The main players in the German AI ecosystem have joined forces across the country to draw attention to the vision of "AI made in Germany".

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Berlin, 25 November 2022 - KI Park e.V. and the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce have entered into a strategic partnership. The aim is to jointly promote economic and scientific cooperation between Germany and Sweden in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). To this end, the Chamber of Commerce is now a member of KI Park and will have a permanent seat on the association's Board of Directors.

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For journalists and media partners

KI Park e.V. provides you with comprehensive information on current developments, progress and events in the field of artificial intelligence. Our press department is your first point of contact for enquiries, interviews and further information.


The files provided are designed for media coverage. All materials are available in common file formats. Please note the terms of use for the use of these materials. For further information or specific requests, please contact us.
KI_Park Das Logo für den Ki-Park auf einer Backsteinmauer beim European AI Workshop.


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KI_Park Eine Frau mit langen lockigen Haaren steht vor einer gelben Backsteinmauer und präsentiert ein KI-Ökosystem.

Images | Board & GF

High-resolution images of KI Park board members Prof. Dr Sabina Jeschke, Steffen Legler, Olly Salzmann and Managing Director Dr Florian Schütz:

KI_Park Ein roter Kreis auf einer Ziegelwand in einem Innovationsökosystem-Netzwerk.


Short and long text descriptions of the AI Park in both German and English


As an association of research institutions, start-ups, established companies, capital providers and social and political actors, KI Park e.V. pursues the goal of advancing the development and use of artificial intelligence so that Germany and Europe take a leading position as a location for technology and innovation. The ecosystem enables its members to share knowledge, advance their ideas and solve relevant problems together in AI real labs. The AI Park has a clear focus on those AI technologies that will significantly shape the future of industry and society, such as Deep Reinforcement Learning, 5G & 6G, NLP or even Digital Twins. More information about the AI Park and the ecosystem is available at

KI Park space


KI_Park Eine junge Frau in einem braunen Blazer präsentiert ein KI-Flaggschiffprojekt im Workshop eines Innovationsökosystems.


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