7 Measures to strengthen the AI ecosystem in Germany 

AI will change the world like no technology before it. Why am I so sure of this? The technology mimics the cognitive abilities of us humans - and at an incredibly low marginal cost. As I showed in the last blog article, this is the pattern of every major technological change in history. Only in the beginning are jobs [...]

Innovative ESG strategies for banks: insights from our workshops 

ESG criteria are becoming increasingly important in the financial services industry (FSI). Banks and financial institutions face the challenge of efficiently collecting and processing ESG data and using it to fulfil regulatory requirements (such as the EU Taxonomy and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD). To address these requirements, the flagship project "AI-based ESG assessment for FSI" was launched as part of the [...]

Germany isn´t prepared for the AI boom 

Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence. Many are already trying it out. This doesn't just apply to companies like Klarna, which is trying to replace 700 human employees with ChatGPT. The AI boom is also reaching our pets (health monitoring), our children (education and care) and even insects (pest control). This technology wave is nothing special It seems as if [...]