Student projects
Student projects
The AI Park provides partnerships and access to the AI ecosystem for AI student initiatives and supports young tech-savvy and entrepreneurial individuals to nurture the next generation of innovators.
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Student projects
The motivation to support student AI initiatives at KI Park is to provide assistance and build effective partnerships to bridge the gap between academia and practice.
Whether it's supporting students with their theses, collaborating with experienced experts or providing practical insights into the current landscape of AI technologies - KI Park supports curious minds and aspiring young professionals. With the help of the KI Park network, the ecosystem actively engages in talent scouting among KI Park members. In addition, KI Park provides access to its network for events, which further enhances networking opportunities.
KI Park is an event partner of the upcoming AI Summit, organised by Munich. Read more here.
Do you need support for your student initiatives in the AI landscape?
For all questions and concerns regarding the Discovery AI Workshops and other AI Park initiatives, Marc Karahan is your competent contact person. He is available to discuss individual solutions and provide comprehensive advice.