AI Park Metaverse

AI Park Metaverse

The AI Park is the first AI ecosystem to use Decentraland as a distribution channel, which impresses with its simple browser accessibility. The virtual branch is a faithful replica of the real office in Marienpark and has a "Hall of Fame" that presents both success stories and business models of members.
KI_Park Ein rotes Backsteingebäude mit einem Schild mit der Aufschrift „Ki Park“, das ein KI-Flaggschiff im Herzen eines Innovationsökosystems und KI-Netzwerks präsentiert.
KI_Park Eine Darstellung eines Wohnzimmers mit Bücherregalen, die eine KI-Flaggschiff-Innovation der Künstlichen Intelligenz zeigt.
KI_Park Ein Mann steht nachts vor einem europäischen Haus.


As a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence, the AI Park has now also positioned itself in the metaverse, on the user-friendly platform Decentraland. This choice allows for easy accessibility, as no complicated registration procedure is required and access is possible via any internet browser. The focus is on creating an immersive and interactive experience. A detailed virtual replica of the real office in Marienpark in Berlin was created to enable an intensive exchange with the European-wide community.

To deepen this exchange, the virtual representation has been expanded to include a "Hall-of-Fame". Here, members have the opportunity to present their business models and share success stories from the AI Park. This not only serves as a source of information for interested start-ups and partners, but also as an additional marketing channel for members. For deeper interactions, the AI Park office is open for virtual appointments in the Metaverse.

With a projected market potential of up to €5 trillion by 2030, the metaverse represents a significant platform for the future. The AI Park therefore aims to implement the "Socialize" and "Reactive" aspects just as effectively by integrating them into the Metaverse, with a different interaction dynamic than is already the case on the regular website. The initiative is supported by Deloitte and uses existing infrastructures as a basis for this groundbreaking development.


Coordinates in the Decentraland are: -55,140


For all questions and concerns regarding the Metaverse and other KI Park initiatives, Julian Schenk is your competent contact person. He will be happy to discuss individual solutions and provide you with comprehensive advice.

KI_Park Ein Mann im Anzug lächelt vor einer gelben Backsteinwand und präsentiert ein Innovationsökosystem.


Innovation manager