KI_Park Das Ki Park-Logo zeigt europäische KI mit einem roten Kreis in der Mitte.

Onboarding Workshop | Cloudera at the AI Park (with Cloudera)

KI_Park Eine Gruppe von Menschen posiert vor einem roten Kreis und präsentiert das KI-Ökosystem.

05.06.23 | New member Cloudera successfully held an onboarding workshop with KI-Park. During the workshop, various topics related to infrastructure in Germany and Europe were discussed. Furthermore, it was discussed how potential solutions can be used by the members in the AI Park.

Cloudera showed great interest in open source use cases and tool chains for different projects. The Cloudera platform offers an excellent environment to test ideas, develop concepts and create first prototypes or Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). It was emphasised that the focus is on technical exchange, especially on topics such as Data Lakes, and further discussions and activities in this area are already planned.

The close collaboration between Cloudera and AI Park reflects our ongoing commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within our diverse membership base. We are delighted to welcome Cloudera to our community and are confident that this partnership will lead to many innovative projects. We look forward to working together and are excited about the creative solutions that will come out of this cooperation.