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Corporates Peer Exchange | Implementation of EU AI Act (with Schaeffler, Vitesco, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Airbus, Bosch, Informatica)

KI_Park Ein KI-Netzwerk-Workshop, bei dem eine Gruppe von Menschen in einem Raum über ein Innovationsökosystem diskutiert.

Seven leading European companies met under the expert moderation of the Flagships team of KI Park e.V. for an informative and stimulating workshop. The workshop was part of the innovative Flagships initiative "Corporates Peer Exchanges - Impact of the EU AI Act Exchange on Corporates", which aims to share key insights and best practices from both a legal and technical perspective. At a time when AI technology is revolutionising businesses and creating new regulatory frameworks, this exchange served as a valuable platform for legal and technical teams to share experiences and learn from the insights of others.

The list of participants was an impressive compilation of executives and experts from the legal and technical departments of various industries. In addition to Schaeffler as the initiator of the topic, top-class companies such as the Volkswagen Group, Mercedes-Benz AG, Airbus, Vitesco Technologies, Bosch and Informatica were represented. The diversity of the participating companies and the breadth of their industry expertise contributed significantly to the in-depth discussions and rich insights gained during the workshop.

Discussions focused on the risks and challenges large companies face in implementing and adapting their governance and process structures in preparation for the new EU AI Regulation. In a world where AI-related solutions and products are evolving rapidly, dealing with uncertainties is a key aspect that was intensively discussed by the participants.

The dynamism and constructive dialogue during the workshop show how important platforms like this are for sharing knowledge and best practices. They enable companies to be better prepared for regulatory changes and to adapt to the rapidly evolving landscape of AI technology.

The anticipation of many more such exchanges with the corporates in the ecosystem is a positive sign of continued collaboration and pursuit of excellence in adapting to AI regulation. The flagship Corporates Peer Exchanges initiative is an exemplary model for collaborative learning and joint navigation through the complex world of AI regulation and technology development.

The workshop is a shining example of the potential of collective intelligence and collaboration in addressing the challenges and opportunities that AI technology and EU AI regulation bring to businesses. With such a collaborative approach and a willingness to learn and share experiences together, companies can effectively navigate the AI transformation and maximise the benefits of AI in a regulated environment.